Monday 9 October 2017

Don't let people cause you to feel as if you are not good enough . Know who you are and what you are worth. If you don't respect yourself first, nobody else will respect you. If you haven't valued yourself much, consider increasing your price tag. You are a valuable human being and you should start acting that way

It doesn't matter how many times you screwed up in the past, it doesn't change God's plan for your life. In life, you will face disappointments and heartaches. Things will happen that you least expect. You will at times feel as if it makes no sense to even continue but I want to encourage you by telling you this, you are going to make it. I don't know who you are nor do I know the extent of your situation but what I do know is that I genuinely care about you and whatever you are going through will change.

You may be at a crossroad in your life ,unsure of the next step to take. People who you had trusted , failed you. You may see your friends progressing in life but you feel as if you are going in circles. You may even feel as if age is catching up on you and you are yet to find someone who you can trust, love you for who you are and finally call your own.

You may even be married but you are currently unhappy. Things in your marriage are not going the way you would like them to. You are worried that things may fall apart. Your finances may be a mess right now. You feel frustrated with the financial responsibilities you are struggling to maintain. You feel all alone. Hold your head up for things are about to turn around. You are going to get through this. I believe in you

Monday 28 December 2015

1. Do your own thing. Don’t let a man become the center of your universe.

If you make a man your whole life, he’s going to lose interest because he will most likely feel smothered! Remember, he fell in love with the dynamic “you” who has her own interests and passions who wanted to make him a part of your life, not the whole darn thing. Men are attracted to confident women who get the concept of “interdependence.”  Interdependence requires that you’re both independent and dependent; that means you create sacred space for your relationship as well as sacred space for your work, passions and friends. Don’t lose the things that are most important to you, and keep doing what you were doing before you started dating him.

2. Don’t overindulge on a date. 

While you might think it cute to have three glasses of wine at dinner, he does not. Let him get to know you as you are. If you need to loosen up before a date, watch a comedy right before you leave or take a walk. Also, order a real dinner. One guy told us that he went on a first date and his date wouldn’t order any food because she wasn’t “hungry.” But then every time he cut a piece of chicken on his plate, she reached over and ate it! Best to leave your glass half full and your plate empty(ish).

3. Some men ARE afraid of commitment (so they might need a little more time than you to decide if you’re the one).

Even if a guy is relationship ready, if you bring up on date three that you’re ready for a relationship he’ll likely question whether you really want to be in a relationship with HIM or if you’re ready for a relationship with anyone. He’s going to wonder how after two dinners and one museum trip you already know that you want him to be your boyfriend. So even though it’s great to let a new guy know where you are in your life or about your dating goals, take the time to get to know him before you decide. (We recommend that you hold that conversation until at least date three or four). As a result, he’ll feel a whole lot better about the possibility of having a relationship if you give him a little time. Don’t rush the getting-to-know-each-other part. Not only is this phase of dating exciting, but it also allows you time to “data date” and collect the information you need to determine if he’s boyfriend material AND someone you want to be in a relationship with.

4. Don’t call us all the time. Let us call you. 

If you’re consistently calling, texting, emailing, and doing all the asking out, a man won’t have to lift a finger. Let the communication be balanced. This is not to say that you can’t ever reach out to a man you’re dating, but let him do the asking out–at least in the early stages. If you’re both interested in each other, there will be a natural balance in the amount of communication. If you feel like you may be guilty of over-calling, take a break and see if he comes back and puts in the effort. If so, wonderful. And if not? Move on, sister! You deserve someone who wants to reach out to you, call you, and ask you out.

5. Don’t assume you are exclusive.

As scary as it may seem to talk to your man about not seeing other people, it’s even scarier to just assume he isn’t seeing other people. Words are helpful, and you should use them sometimes. So he tells you he wants to introduce you to his sister? Awesome! Still doesn’t mean you’re exclusive. Try something like, “You know, I’d really like not to see other people. How do you feel about that?” If he gives you an answer you aren’t looking for, buh-bye. And if he gives you a yes, fantastic! Go for it!

6. Men aren’t all the same, so give them a chance!

As easy as it would be to base every opinion you have on an experience you had with a guy or listen to your best guy friend’s advice, not all men are the same. So even though these dating tips from men can be very helpful, men are ultimately individuals. Let them show up and show you how much they’re interested!

Thursday 24 December 2015


When a person is content, they realize there is no point in losing something so perfect over petty issues. Things that would bother you otherwise or in your past with your exes, they will not even matter to you anymore.

You will be shocked, I was. I was shocked to see how my thinking and acceptance of my partners seemed so right.

So you see, true love is everything you don’t and do expect. It will surprise you and will shock you to your bones. It will teach you and it will give you something to teach others. It will help you be a better person and a better partner. Seek for it, it will be worth it. It will be worth every damn try and every bad experience in your life.


True love is surprisingly very satisfying and makes you feel content with life. When you experience such a great feeling of contentment, you realize how lucky you are and how unfortunate those people are who do not find true love in someone or something. You learn being more humble towards them and become more generous eventually. For you have what others don’t, so you give more to others as you feel you receive more than you could have ever asked for.


A lot of our patience is usually taken up by our relationship if we are not having a healthy relationship. This causes us to be moody and a lot less patient in our lives with other people.
When you are in true love, your patience is not being tested to that limit so you have a lot of it left for others.


Colors seem brighter, and the grass looks greener. You feel like every wrong thing in your life went wrong only so you can be with this special person. I have often found myself thanking life for being harsh on me before I met my true love because if I would have been stuck there, I would have never been able to find this amazing person. All the imperfections of life start to seem PERFECT


You will realize, once you are in love, that you have never been this happy. When it’s just infatuation and not true love, you do feel happy but only initially, soon that happiness wears off and you are stuck there thinking what is wrong with the two of you. Let me tell you, true love is all of that happiness FOREVER. You are just happier and everything seems perfect.

Tuesday 15 December 2015


We generally regard a good person as someone who wants to do good for others. Someone who will help a stray animal or an elderly person who is struggling to open a jar instantly makes us feel appreciation for their kind behavior.

In a study on factors that people universally find attractive, competence and warmth were the two most desirable traits. Of course you would want your partner to be intelligent, but warmth is desirable because we want the person that we love to have our best interests at heart.

You need to have the right things in common. When you think about what’s most important to you, your partner should feel the same ways about those things. These are most likely your values, beliefs, and morals but they may include religion and political party affiliation as well.

In a study in Personality and Individual Differences, researchers identified several factors that are important for couples to have in common. They found that we tend to gravitate toward people who come from a similar region as us, have a similar social status, have similar overall health, have similar education and have similar desire for children. It would seem that likes do attract more than opposites.

Who doesn’t enjoy a good belly laugh? If the two of you have shared jokes and can have fun even in stressful situations, you are a lucky person to have found this keeper. They’ll keep you smiling in your relationship and you’ll be a happy couple. If you can also make them laugh, so much the better.

Fun is important for couples who stay together. It’s common sense that couples who have more fun and play have happier relationships, but the research also supports this. You can read more about what happy couples do to improve their relationships here.

Being self-aware and looking to improve on one’s flaws are great traits to find in a keeper. No one can be perfect all the time so being able to see your own faults and work on fixing them is a wonderful quality.

Being honest to a fault is a sign of a keeper. Most people actually lie many times a day, often in little ways that help other people to feel good about themselves. Your keeper might tell a small white lie about that whether or not that color really does look good on you, but they would never lie about the important things like finances, health, fidelity, or whether or not they ate the last of the ice cream.

You don’t want to be in a romantic relationship with someone who is exactly like you because what’s different about each of you is what keeps things interesting. You are similar enough in what’s important, but different enough to have separate tastes, skills, hobbies and opinions.

You’ve found a keeper if they are the right balance of supporting you in your dreams but yet they won’t sacrifice their own goals in the process. They want to help you start your own business but also complete their MBA rather than dropping everything to be at your beck and call.

A relationship keeper needs to know how to communicate effectively. If your potential romantic match can articulate their feelings and needs so that you understand them, you’ll be able to provide for those needs and have a better relationship.

In addition to speaking well, your partner should be a great listener. They need to be able to understand your needs and feelings as well. You can read more about how listening helps couples stay together here. If the conversation is a two-way street when you talk, your partner might be a keeper.

If you both fight over the remote control all the time, this will not end well. Your partner is a keeper if they can give a little to get a little. Maybe they let you have the remote while you watch your favorite show as long as you’ll let them watch theirs that’s on afterwards.

Someone who inspires you to greatness is a definite keeper. You know that you will learn and grow as a person while you are with them. Being with someone who helps you to be a better person is a great relationship to be in. Not only do they love you but they are your mentor as well. They give you guidance to make smart choices without choosing for you. If you can picture yourself thanking them in an acceptance speech, then you’ve found a keeper.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Research has provided evidence that intense, traumatizing events, such as a break-up, divorce, loss of a loved one, physical separation from a loved one, or betrayal can cause real physical pains in the area of one’s heart. This condition is called the Broken Heart Syndrome. Deep emotional distress triggers the brain to distribute certain chemicals that significantly weaken one’s heart, leading to strong chest pains and shortness of breath. The condition is often misdiagnosed as heart attack and tends to affect women more often.
As the well-known saying goes, opposites attract. And research proves that this is partially true. Couples that are either too similar or too different tend not to last very long. Apparently, there always has to be a foundation of similarities, but there also have to be things that the two of you learn from each other.
Many psychological and social research indicates that there is a significant pattern in how people choose people to establish romantic relationships with. This pattern is explained by the Matching Hypothesis, which says that people are more attracted to those that they share a level of attractiveness with, or, in other words, are equally socially desirable. Even if successful couples differ in physical attractiveness, one of them usually compensates for it with other socially desirable qualities.
Even though it was long known that the presence of a significant other has a lot to do with patients’ improvement, it has been proved that the same goes for even a picture of the beloved. The experiment showed that when experiencing pain, study participants exposed to pictures of their beloved and to distracting word games had their pain reduced far more than those exposed to the same distracting word games and pictures of acquaintances.
Falling in love is much like taking a dose of cocaine, as both experiences affect the brain similarly and trigger a similar sensation of euphoria. Research found that falling in love produces several euphoria-inducing chemicals that stimulate 12 areas of the brain at the same time.

Monday 18 May 2015

#1 The Cliff Hanger
Sleeping on opposite sides of the bed, often facing outwards. Signals distance in the relationship, or if it's seldom, the couple just needs a good night sleep.

#2 The Crab
Various position in the bed, not touching. Signals issues in relationship where one partner needs space and the other needs more intimacy.

#3 Shingles
Man on back, female on back, resting head in crevice of man's shoulder. Woman dependent on man.

#4 Pillow Talk
Face To Face not touching. Need for one on one contact and conversation.

#5 Hollywood
Man on back, woman laying head on man's chest. New relationship.

#6 Lover's Knot
Face to face, legs intertwined for 10 minutes, or until couple falls asleep. Loving independence, intimacy, sexual activity.

#7 Spoon Male Inside
Man needs love and nurturing.

#8 Spoon Female Inside
Male is loving and protective.

#9 Cherish
Back to back touching. Comfortable, intimate, relaxed.

#10 Liberty
Back to back, not touching. Connected yet independent.

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Monday 4 May 2015

1. You complete me and therefore i want to tell you thank you. Please don't ever hurt me.

2. Yesterday I did love you, tomorrow I will only think of you. You know what... I love you.

3. If nothing lasts forever, can I be your nothing?

4. It's been said that you only truly fall in love once, but I don't believe it. Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.
5. Sometimes my eyes get jealous of my heart. Know why? Because you always remain close to my heart and far from my eyes.

6. When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.

7. Before I met you I never knew what it was like; to look at someone and smile for no reason.

8. I wanna write 'miss you' on a rock and throw it at your face so you know how much it hurts to miss you.

9. You're probably asleep but I just wanted to tell you that I love you. You are the reason for my happiness and truly one of the most beautiful persons I have or will ever meet in a long time. Good night. Sleep tight.

10. Good morning sunshine. It's a brand new day. Everything's totally different than what it was yesterday, except one thing: my love for you.

11. It's been so long but when I see you I still get those all too familiar butterflies in my stomach. I love you more with every passing day. Never ever forget that.

12. Every day I wake up with a smile on my face. You are the reason for that smile.

13. Knowing that you are a part of my life makes me feel secure and complete. I feel like I can deal with any obstacle that comes my way as long as I have you, my support-system. You give me immense courage to believe in myself.

14. You are my 'all-in-one' package! Whether it is something that makes me sad or it is news that makes me want to scream with excitement, you are the first person I call. I love how we do everything with a crazy passion, even the way we fight! I love how within five minutes of telling you I don't want to talk to you, I forget all about it 'cuz I remembered something crazy that I just have to share with you! I love how doing everything on my bucket-list is a part of your bucket-list!

15. As clichéd as it sounds, you really do make my world go round! You make me laugh when I don't even want to smile; you understand my obsession for random things; you make efforts and bring me the most meaningful things; you're never embarrassed by my madness; I love you for the way you love the real me.

16. In the midst of the most dull things, you make our togetherness insanely fun! Loving you is my most favorite thing to do!

17. With every passing second, I come that much closer to meeting you tonight. Can't wait to be in your arms and kiss you.

18. Every time I close my eyes, I see your sweet face. And whenever I think about us, I can't help but feel content. I am so happy that we have each other, for better or for worse.

19. True love does not come by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

20. I'm not sure what life could bring you. I'm not sure if dreams do come true. I'm not sure what love can do. But I'm sure about one thing. I love you.

1. The Kissing Triangle
This next kissing technique is something that I really enjoy. It's not the easiest kissing technique to perform, but it's great for doing something very different that's still quite hot. It's especially good during any face to face sexual position. What you are going to do is start by kissing your partner on the lips as you normally would.

From here, you are going to slowly transition from kissing them on the lips to kissing them on the cheek. You are then going to move from kissing them on the cheek to kissing them on their neck. And finally from kissing them on the neck, you need to move back to kissing them on the lips.

So you are going to be kissing them in three different places or a triangle. Lips > Cheek > Neck > Lips. To make this really nice and smooth, you shouldn't suddenly move from their lips to their cheek. Instead, you should give your partner small pecks and kisses as you move from each area to the next. This will make it feel more natural for both of you.

2. Nibble, Nibble

This kissing technique is about how to use your teeth when kissing your partner. There is a right way and a wrong way to use your teeth when kissing your partner. The right way is to be soft and gentle, not rough, harsh or forceful. So the next time you are kissing your partner on the lips, slowly transition from using your lips to very gently squeezing their lips between your teeth. Next, start to slowly pull backward so that their lips slowly slide through your teeth. That's all there is to it. You can do this to both their top and bottom lip.

Remember, the goal is not to hurt your partner; the goal is to give them a different sensation when kissing them. Also, as you pull back, it's the perfect time to transition to giving him oral.

3. It's OK To Suck
In the previoius kissing technique, I explained that you need to slowly pull backward when you have your partners lips between your teeth. This will allow their lips to gently and smoothly slide out between your teeth. The cool thing about this kissing technique is that you can do it with your lips as well. All you need to do is squeeze their lips between yours and pull backwards letting their lips slide out.

A quick word of warning; more pressure does not equal more pleasure in this case. Gentle is usually best. Another way to suck on their lips is to suck on them like you would suck on a lollipop. To do this, you need to take one of their lips into your mouth and gently suck on it. Again, remember that sucking really hard does not necessarily mean it will be more pleasurable.

4. Your Hands Are Your Friends
Read any article on kissing and all it will ever talk about is your lips, whether they are soft enough and what to do with them. The funny thing is that kissing is about much more than just your lips. To make kissing a memorable experience for your partner, you need to get your entire body involved. One of the best parts of your body to use when kissing your partner is your hands.

If you want, you can just leave them at your side, but this is incredibly boring. A slightly better way to use them is to wrap them around your partner. An even better way is to run them up and down your partners body, making sure to touch them in their most erogenous zones as you do. But you can also use your hands to pull your partner in close to you.

By far the best way to use your hands though is on your partners neck, head and face. You can slowly run your hands through their hair. You can massage their neck with your fingers. You can even use your hands to tilt and change the angle of their face to change how you are kissing each other. Using your hands is one of the most powerful kissing techniques you can use to heighten the entire experience for your partner.

5. Nibble One More Time — This Time It's The Ears
The last kissing technique that I want to teach you is about your partner's ears. You may not know this, but your ears are one of the most sensitive parts of your body, so you can probably guess that kissing your partner on their ear is going to turn them on a lot. Kissing and even sucking on your partners ear is pretty easy.

However, nibbling it is going to really take it up a notch. All you need to do is use the same technique I described in the previous "Nibble, Nibble" section. Except this time, it's important to use an absolute minimum amount of pressure to make sure that you don't accidentally hurt your partner.
1. Do the things you did the first year you were dating.

As the months and years roll on, we tend to slink into our proverbial sweatpants and get lazy in our relationship. We lose our patience, gentleness, thoughtfulness, understanding and the general effort we once made toward our mate. Think back to the first year of your relationship and write down all the things you used to do for your partner. Now start doing them again.

2. Ask for what you want.

Over time, we assume that our partner knows us so well that we don’t need to ask for what we want. What happens when we make this assumption? Expectations are set and just as quickly, they get deflated. Those unmet expectations can leave us questioning the viability of our partnership and connection. Keep in mind that “asking for what you want” extends to everything from emotional to sexual wants.

3. Become an expert on your partner.

Think about who your mate really is and what excites him or her (both physically and emotionally). We can become consumed by what WE THINK he/she wants, as opposed to tuning in to what truly resonates with the other person. Remember that if it’s important to your partner, it doesn’t have to make sense to you. You just have to do it.

4. Don't ask "how was your day."

At the end of a long day, we tend to mentally check out of our lives and consequently, our relationship. We rely on the standard question, “How was your day?” Generally, that boring question will yield a boring answer such as, “Fine, how was yours?” This does nothing to improve your connection and instead, can actually damage it because you're losing the opportunity to regularly connect in a small way.

Instead, try asking things like, “What made you smile today?” or “What was the most challenging part of your day?” You’ll be amazed at the answers you’ll get, with the added benefit of gaining greater insight into your significant other.

5. Create a weekly ritual to check in with one another.

It can be short or long but it begins with asking each other what worked and didn’t work about the previous week and what can be done to improve things this coming week. Additionally, use this opportunity to get on the same page with your schedules, plan a date night and talk about what you would like to see happen in the coming days, weeks, and months in your relationship. Without an intentional appointment to do a temperature check, unmet needs and resentments can build.

6. Keep it sexy.

What might change in your relationship if both you and your partner committed to increasing the behaviors you each find sexy and limiting those that aren’t? Think about this in the broadest form. “Sexy” can certainly refer to bedroom preferences, but it also represents what excites us about our mate in our day-to-day lives. Do you find it sexy if he/she helps with the housework? Do you find it "unsexy" when he/she uses the restroom with the door wide open? Talk about what it specifically means to "keep it sexy" in your relationship. Be amazed, be humored, be inspired!

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Many women have endured years of abuse within their relationships. The even begin mistake it for love. A Man who truly loves a woman will never hurt her. Women should be protected and cherished,NEVER ABUSED. According to Strengthen Our Sisters, some 2000 to 4000 women are beaten to death annually.  This needs to end. Women you should never accept abuse from any man. You are precious.

Saturday 28 March 2015

Number 7: Moderate neuroticism

Women suffer more from anxiety disorders than men do, and studies show that excessively anxious (or highly neurotic) women report less satisfaction with their relationships than women who score lower on this trait. At the same time, some scientists have hypothesized that moderate levels of neuroticism may actually be attractive, as they imply that a woman will be a good mother, concerned for the welfare of her children. As for what to do if you’re already in a relationship with a neurotic partner, research suggests that having more sex can help salvage your relationship.

Number 6: She wears red

We all know that red is the color traditionally associated with love, sex and romance, but a study by Andrew Elliot and Daniela Niesta proposes that our interest in this color may actually have a biological basis. The idea is less wacky than it seems, as plenty other species use this color as a marker for mating.

Number 5: Waist-to-hip ratio

There is a magic number when it comes to the ratio between a woman's waist and hips that men find most exciting. In the Western world, that number is 0.7, which means that the circumference of a woman's waist is 70% the circumference of her hips. In other cultures, slightly lower or slightly higher ratios have been found to be attractive to men from those cultures. From an evolutionary perspective, a ratio under 0.6 may signal hips that are not well suited to childbirth, and a ratio in excess of 0.8 could suggest fertility difficulties related to being overweight.

Number 4: Large eyes and a balanced mouth

Substantial research points toward the notion that men find large eyes appealing on women. The reason is that while such a feature may serve as an indicator of femininity, it has also been linked to long-term health and reproductive potential. Furthermore, Michael Cunningham’s studies on physical attractiveness have found that men perceive an ideal female mouth as one that, at mouth level, is 50% the width of the face.

Number 3: Bodily attractiveness

A 2010 study by Jaime Confer, Carin Perilloux and David Buss claims that when guys are told to look at photos of a woman and think about her as a short-term dating prospect, men indicate that a woman's body is more of a priority to them than her face. The idea here is that when cavemen were pursuing a short-term mating strategy, body cues, such as whether a potential sexual partner appeared fertile or was already pregnant, would have alerted a man as to whether getting busy would be worthwhile (genetically speaking). The translation is that for modern men seeking a one-night stand, a hot body counts.

Number 2: Self-sacrificing

A study published by Vladas Griskevicius of Arizona State University and his colleagues in 2007 demonstrated that women in a romantic state of mind are more likely than men to endorse volunteering or engaging in charitable deeds. The catch, however, is that women indicated a preference for engaging in this self-sacrificing behavior in public places, suggesting perhaps an unconscious sexual motivation on their parts and the notion that men may find this trait appealing in a woman.

Number 1: Facial attractiveness

When pursuing a long-term mating strategy (that is, a serious, committed relationship), men zero in on a woman's face. In one recent study by researchers at the University of Austin at Texas, 75% of men told to favor a long-term mating strategy indicated that a woman’s face was a more important consideration to them than her body. While this news is perhaps not shocking, another study from the Kinsey Institute has revealed that during sex, compared to their female partners, men are more likely to initially look at their lover's face. Together, these studies may offer some insight into why women spend significantly more time primping their faces by applying makeup and doing their hair than they do adorning their bodies.

Thursday 26 March 2015

1) Give him a massage. Simple, yet so effective! Men love massages, and can never get enough. Invest in some massage oils and creams, or even use what you already have in the house. Start from the bottoms of his feet and work your way up.

2) Touch him. Not just when you are feeling frisky, but all day long. Touch his arm, hold his hand, stroke his face, play with his hair, or even cop a feel. There's nothing more romantic to a man than the feeling of being loved.

3) Stock his favorite foods. That's right -- having all of your man's essentials in the fridge, whether its a favorite beer or a huge hunk of steak, will make your man feel loved and thought of.

4) Let him have a night out with the boys. Showing your guy that you trust him can be a very romantic gesture, even though you are essentially spending time apart. He will realize just how caring and sweet of a partner you really are.

5) Post your love on! Upload a personal video declaring how much you love your man. Post it for the world to see. If you'd rather, you can choose to make the video private and send him the link.

6) Send a card. A romantic note, card, or even e-card can really help make your significant others' day.

7) Listen to his problems. Many times, men need a sounding board to vent about their problems at work, or life in general. Let him know that you are there for him. Listen to his problems, sympathize, and offer gentle advice.

8) Dress sexy. Pull out some of that lingerie you used to wear, or shop for newer, exciting items. Surprise him one night with a candle-lit bath, soft music, and you. No matter what, this romantic strategy is sure to rekindle the spark!

Saturday 7 February 2015

1. Missionary
According to seks experts, women get the most pleasure out of basic missionary seks. “Interestingly, when we surveyed women, good old-fashioned missionary was the overall favorite. There's nothing fancy about it, but women said they loved the closeness and the intimacy of having their partner's weight on them,” says Solot. But in order for position to be most effective, Los Angeles-based seks expert and radio host Lora Somoza says to make sure you’re entering her at the correct angle. “By going in diagonally—rather than straight in and out—there’s more friction for clit stimulation, which is best, since that’s how most women achieve climax.”

2. Reverse Cowgirl
In this position, the man is either lying down or in a sitting position, and the female straddles him backwards — facing his feet instead of his face. It’s a key position that also allows easy access to the clit, says sexologist and sexuality educator Megan Andelloux. “Because of the easier clit access, this position is the one that is most likely to facilitate an orgasm because direct clit stimulation is easy to engage in.”

3. Doggie 
Doggie is a great position for the woman because it allows her to have optimal control. “She is able to adjust her range of motion for an angle that feels best,” says Amy Levine, a seks coach and founder of Ignite Your Pleasure. “He can likely stimulate her G-spotie and have access to her clit with his hand, her hand or a toy.” Sexologist Gloria Brame, Ph.D. also stresses the importance of clit stimulation while in the doggie position. “She will rarely have a climax if you’re not doing something manually in front at the same time,” she says.

4. Girl on Top
Another position that allows her to have the most control of her climax is when she’s the one on top, facing forward. But Somoza explains that it still needs to be a joint effort. “You can help her by moving her hips up and down. It’s a communication thing,” she says. Levine adds that when the woman is on top, “she’s in control of the depth and motion, as well as having easy access to her clit for pleasure.” 

1. Do the things you did the first year you were dating.

As the months and years roll on, we tend to slink into our proverbial sweatpants and get lazy in our relationship. We lose our patience, gentleness, thoughtfulness, understanding and the general effort we once made toward our mate. Think back to the first year of your relationship and write down all the things you used to do for your partner. Now start doing them again.

2. Ask for what you want.

Over time, we assume that our partner knows us so well that we don’t need to ask for what we want. What happens when we make this assumption? Expectations are set and just as quickly, they get deflated. Those unmet expectations can leave us questioning the viability of our partnership and connection. Keep in mind that “asking for what you want” extends to everything from emotional to sexual wants.

3. Become an expert on your partner.

Think about who your mate really is and what excites him or her (both physically and emotionally). We can become consumed by what WE THINK he/she wants, as opposed to tuning in to what truly resonates with the other person. Remember that if it’s important to your partner, it doesn’t have to make sense to you. You just have to do it.

4. Don't ask "how was your day."

At the end of a long day, we tend to mentally check out of our lives and consequently, our relationship. We rely on the standard question, “How was your day?” Generally, that boring question will yield a boring answer such as, “Fine, how was yours?” This does nothing to improve your connection and instead, can actually damage it because you're losing the opportunity to regularly connect in a small way.

Instead, try asking things like, “What made you smile today?” or “What was the most challenging part of your day?” You’ll be amazed at the answers you’ll get, with the added benefit of gaining greater insight into your significant other.

5. Create a weekly ritual to check in with one another.

It can be short or long but it begins with asking each other what worked and didn’t work about the previous week and what can be done to improve things this coming week. Additionally, use this opportunity to get on the same page with your schedules, plan a date night and talk about what you would like to see happen in the coming days, weeks, and months in your relationship. Without an intentional appointment to do a temperature check, unmet needs and resentments can build.

6. Keep it sexy.

What might change in your relationship if both you and your partner committed to increasing the behaviors you each find sexy and limiting those that aren’t? Think about this in the broadest form. “Sexy” can certainly refer to bedroom preferences, but it also represents what excites us about our mate in our day-to-day lives. Do you find it sexy if he/she helps with the housework? Do you find it "unsexy" when he/she uses the restroom with the door wide open? Talk about what it specifically means to "keep it sexy" in your relationship. Be amazed, be humored, be inspired!

7. Get creative about the time you spend together.

Break out of the “dinner and a movie” routine and watch how a little novelty can truly rejuvenate your relationship. On a budget and can’t go big? Jump on the internet to look for “cheap date ideas” and be blown away at the plethora of options. Can’t afford a sitter? Try swapping babysitting time with friends that have kids. It’s free and they will likely be thrilled to take your kids because they will get to take advantage when they drop their kids at your place.

8. Get it on.

Unless you have committed to an asexual partnership, sex, sexual contact and touching (kissing, holding hands, cuddling etc.) are vital components of a romantic relationship. The frequency is of course, up to you and it's imperative that you discuss your ideas about it in order to prevent resentment. Rare are the moments when both partners are “in the mood” at the exact same second, but that doesn’t mean that you have to decline their advances. Remind yourself that you will almost always “get there” after the first few minutes and that an intimate interaction of any kind builds connection and elevates your mood and health. Bear in mind that you are never required to say “yes.” If you truly don’t feel it, the best thing you can do is to postpone. Just make sure that you initiate or accept within a reasonable amount of time thereafter.

Sunday 21 December 2014

There are literally hundreds of dating sites out there. So, to make it a little less overwhelming, we've trawled the Internet for you and sought the advice of online dating expert Sloan Sheridan-Williams. So, which is the best college online date site? With no further ado, here are our 4 best online dating sites:

Best College Online Date Site : eHarmony

How does it work? If you are serious about looking for that special thing called love, then this is the site for you. eHarmony take this online dating lark very seriously. They've even patented The eHarmony Compatibility Matching System. That's right. They've taken 35 years of research to come up with a Relationship Questionnaire and pride themselves on matching users with people who are actually compatible with them.

How much does it cost? £9.95 per month.

The experts say: This is a great site for those who are looking for personality matching. eHarmony takes the hard work out of trolling through 100s of photos and delivers compatible dates directly to your inbox. This site provides quality over quantity and is great for those looking for a long term relationship.